I tried doing the photo gallery tutorial but whenever I test the movie, I end up with this message in the Output window:
Scene=Scene 1, Layer=Layer 5, Frame=1: Line 2: on handlers may not nest within other on handlers
Scene=Scene 1, Layer=Layer 6, Frame=1: Line 2: on handlers may not nest within other on handlers
This came out after I followed the “back and forward buttons” steps. I used text (Previous/Next) and then converted it to a movie clip, then added the codes. I tried it using separate layers per button and I also tried it on 1 layer. In both cases, the error comes out.
Oh and by the way, when I try to run the movie, I can’t see the text buttons (Previous/Next) that I made.
What step am I doing wrong? Please help. Thanks. :hair:
Have you tried making your text into buttons, the code in the tute is button code and will not work on an MC.
If you have used exactly the same code in the tute, there is no reason why it shouldn’t work the way you ecpect it too.
Your text may not be shoing 'cos of the mask so try this :
type your text in the up state of the button, then break it apart twice ( Ctrl + B ), in the hit state frame, draw a rectangle ( filled) the same size as your text.
Hope that helps
*Originally posted by SteveD *
Your text may not be shoing 'cos of the mask so try this :
type your text in the up state of the button, then break it apart twice ( Ctrl + B ), in the hit state frame, draw a rectangle ( filled) the same size as your text.
I tried doing the buttons as “BUTTON” and not as “MOVIE CLIP” but still it doesn’t come out when I try to run my photo gallery.
What do you mean by masked?
When you say up state of the button, what do you exactly mean?
Hi Jeri,
Simple problem, your actions need to be in frame one. Also, if you are going to use text in a button, place a rectangle the size of the text in the hit frame, otherwise your button will only be active when the cursor is on the actual text.