Just found the site…I was thrilled to find the [size=2][color=#0066cc][color=#003366]Transitions between External SWFs[/color][/color][/size][color=Black] …its very helpful…however…I am one of those poor souls who doesn’t have their buttons on the main timeline…I have my buttons contained within movieclips…as they have rollon and rollout animations…so the scripts don’t work right… Kirupa says, “[/color][font=Arial][size=2][size=2]If your buttons are not located on the main timeline, you will have to change the path to the container movieclip.” However, because I have absolutely no programming experience, I dont know what he means. How do I change the path to the container movieclip? I have the blank movieclip “container” on my main timeline…so what do I need to do in the script for the button to have the appropriate path?
Sorry for my ignorance…but I would greatly appreciate any help!
P [/size][/size][/font] [size=2][color=#0066cc][url="…/developer/mx2004/transitions.htm"][color=#003366][color=black][/color][/color][/color][/size]