Does anyone know where you can get “pre-made” flash backgrounds? Nothing fancy - just a few animations going on or something…
I have to do a ton of little projects here as you guys know it can take some time precious time to come up with something new for each flash file. Even if you dont have any links or know of anywhere to get stuff like this - could you give me some ideas on some quick but effective techniques you have used before or think will work? Thanks very much guys and gals!
thanks phil - good quick fix for sure… but i need some animation ideas too…
this stuff is pretty “product orientaded” so I cannot just use any kind of picture I want. These are mostly for copiers and such… but they cannot show off any perticular brand. That’s why i was going for the animation idea… but again, thanks for your help!
oooo… think could have a stock animation section? Kind of like the lab, but for simple vector (and therefor small in file size) animations?
Might be a bit much, but it would be nice to have a free stock animation site like that… unless there is one already? I guess if there is and someone here knows about it it will be posted
… though I guess Flashkits FLA section kind of covers that too…
That’s not a bad idea Sen. We wouldnt have to publisize it or anything, just have it for use - the citizens of this crazy place to use and to share among ourselves. Good idea!
now get to work. It has to be vector, no images - hurry!