Hi all,
I got both Flash detection scripts from the Flash MX section of this site, and I was wondering…
Do they work for Flash MX 2004?
Please be patient with the “dumb” questions. I have to learn a lot of info very quickly .
Also, I am unclear on the actual placement of the script in the code because being so new to this, this instruction [COLOR=Blue]“To use these scripts, simply copy and paste the code into an HTML document. Usually the HTML document will be the first page that leads up to some Flash content such as an index.htm or flashdetect.htm page”[/COLOR] is really vague.
I assume that the script that will replace the .swf with a graphic goes in the head tag of the same page that holds the .swf. Is this correct?
However, does the script that redirects to a page without .swf go in the head tag of the page that holds the .swf, or does it go on a page leading to the page with the .swf?
I imagine it would go on the page with the .swf also and then redirect upon detection.
And finally, is the only way to test this to uninstall flash player from my system?