Questions [Transitions Between External SWFs]

new to the forum. i read the

[size=4][color=#003366]**Transitions **[font=Verdana]Between External SWFs[/font][/color][/size]

and i have some questions about it

sorry i attached files one by one :slight_smile:

1- click on the main three buttons, they are ok, but the third one, it plays the swf again when u press it twice (after the animation stop).

2- when section three is loaded and press section2 for example, the sub buttons goes ok, but not the sub content.

3- all animations start at 0, stop at 78, and play to the end at 160, is it possible to make for example section one (sub buttons)
starts at 0, stop at 20 and plays to the end at 40 (to make it play fast)

sorry about this long story, but i want to know it :slight_smile:

thanks for your help

last FLA :slight_smile:

Up please
anyone help on this?

I am getting several errors while opening your files. Make sure they’re not corrupt.

Thank u for your help, Voetsjoeba :slight_smile:
i uploaded the files again.

i hope it will work

i am waiting :slight_smile:

I keep getting the same error :-/
section1, section2 and section3 don’t open. “An unknown error occured when opening section1.fla”

Sorry my friend :frowning:
you can replace section1, 2, and 3 the ones in the tutorial

soryy about that agian :slight_smile: