Quick check

which one is better?





none of menu’s are functional yet, these are only drafts

I think it’s 1. 2 is kind of scattered and 3 looks a lot like the mac interface :slight_smile:

Number 1 for sure, very nice…

I like one, but I also like three as well if the background was all white instead of that line pattern.

Go for one :slight_smile:

thx ppl :slight_smile:

EG: I tried the white bg, it looked crap :sure: I was going for a mac look… (the admins who this site is for are on macs… and they’re imbiciles…)

The site is an underfunded school project (slave labour…)

so… :slight_smile:

Number one is the best looking in my opinion. Not too washed out with alot of white like the mac interface one. I really like number one the best!

i like the menu on three! :stuck_out_tongue:

#1 is cool, simple and clean with great colors.
