Quick Password / Input Text Question

Hello Everyone

I just have a quick (novice) question regarding a Flash Password form that I set up. It’s pretty simple, but I just need to know how to make it so that the person can just hit ENTER when done typing the password, rather than clicking the submit button.

Right now I have an input text field, with “pass” as it’s variable name. Also, line type is set to Password in the pulldown menu. It works fine with my submit button which has the following code:

on (release) {
if (_root.pass == null or _root.pass == “”) {
} else if (!(_root.pass == “candy”)) {
} else {

The text field and button are both on the root timeline, btw.

So, basically, is there a way for the person to just hit the ENTER key and get the same action? I tried making a button that had an on (keyPress “<Enter>”) command, but that didn’t work since the cursor was still in the text field.

Thanks in advance!
-Steve C.