Quick Q - rollover movie

I made a dynamic text with buttons under is so that when u roll over different buttons the dynamic text will display different headings.

on (rollOver) {
text1.text = “About Us”;
on (rollOut) {
text1.text = “”;


I’m trying to do the same with a movie clip that looks like a button (animates when clicked on), but I can’t get the mouse roll over to work to display the text in the text box text1.

any tips?

_parent.text1.text = "About Us";


I think he/she wants to have the rollOver action for a movieclip. I know there is one, I just can’t remember it … I’m sure kax can :slight_smile:

it’s the same thing…

if it doesn’t work, it’s probably because the SWF is being exported to Flash 5/or a lower version, which doesn’t support mouse events for MovieClip instances.