Previously when using FlashMX when i wanted to do a full Flash site, I would create other .swf movies to load into my main movie as “pages” of the site. I would then load these pages into an empty movieclip positioned strategically on the stage. Well, looking around the forum last night trying to find an answer on the progress bar component I noticed alot of talk about the loader component. Now as I understand the component from the reading the help section in Flash, the loader component basically acts in the same manner as my empty movieclips from FlashMX. Is that right? And I noticed that with the loader component you have to specify exactlty what your loading in, so if I used this component, how could I load my “pages” into it if I’m loading more than one movie? Do I setup an array and list all of the possible movies that will get loaded in ActionScript? Can I specify more than one movie using the Parameters panel? I’m really just trying to gain a better understanding of this component, because if it doesn’t give me the same flexibility as using an empty movieclip would, then I would rather just go back to using that.