Quick Question

Okay I have a movie where i am trying to load variables through a text file… The dynamic textbox is loacated in a MC named “text” and the instance of the dynamic text box “text”, what I forget is how to load the variables from the text file to that area in my movie…

this is what i have in the root frame one:

loadVariablesNum(“rock.txt”, _root.text.textbox);

but no luck! it works fine when the dynamic text box is in the root but i can’t figure it out when it’s in a MC?

Any help would be great thanx!!!

well … [color=red]text[/color] is actually a property of a text field … maybe that’s causing the problem

try something like …
movie clip instance name: textMC
text field instance name: textBox [size=1][ which you already have ][/size]

anyway … i think it’s easier with the LoadVars (object)

hopi it helps :slight_smile:

thats works good except all of my HTML formatting got messed up?? any help?

nope :stunned:

post your file so i can take a look :smirk:

this is the text file i am trying to load…
before it would parse the HTML now it just skips it???

ehmm … yeah … and the fla ?? :cyclops:

i can’t open your file :-\ failed to open document

what’s going on here ?? second time it happens today :hair:

here’s a fast example … hope it solves your problem :smirk:

thanx works great i have no idea why mine wasnt workin?
anyways thanx again!!

no problem =)

and since i couldn’t open your file i don’t know either :stuck_out_tongue:

i have one more question how would I be able to align all of the text full/justified… the button on the dynamic text box doesnt work its just stuck on left/justified

seems like flash doesn’t support it :-\

however …

<p align="left">
<p align="right">
<p align="center">

are supported …

what about fully justified?

nope :*(

seems like flash doesn’t support it

or at leats … i couldn’t get it :frowning:

let me see if i can find a list or something of the supported tags …

<a href="url">
<font [color="#xxxxxx"] [face="Type Face"] [size="Type Size"]>
<p [align="left"|"right"|"center"]>
&lt; (<, less-than sign)
&gt; (>, greater-than sign)
&amp; (&, ampersand)
&quot; (", double-quote)
&apos; (', apostrophe)

nope … it’s not supported. sorry :-\

[size=1][ EDIT ]

ehemm … lol :stuck_out_tongue: it’s all messed up

here’s the link