Quick question: Will a person visiting my flash site be able to see my fonts even if he/she doesn’t have them or his/her system or will a substitute be chosen?
Quick question: Will a person visiting my flash site be able to see my fonts even if he/she doesn’t have them or his/her system or will a substitute be chosen?
If you embed your fonts, s/he would be able to view it, if not, Times new roman would be seen instead, well you can also specify an alternatives to your font if it’s not found on the other user’s pc…
myTextField.embedFonts = true
embed the font so everyone can see it …
[size=1][ EDIT ]
i’d delete my reply but i’ve got a link and you don’t h88 !! ;)[/size]
[size=1][ EDIT 2 ]
oh !! you’ve edited your post too :P[/size]
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