Quick question

i have a form that basically repeats all the information you sent to the person its going to what i want to do is on the php code that generates an html i basically want a button to lead you back to the main website can someone help me with that i will put the code here i would appreciate it thanks.

// *** The CAPTCHA comparison - http://frikk.tk ***
// *** further modifications - http://www.captcha.biz ***
// *** We need to make sure theyre coming from a posted form -
// If not, quit now ***
 die("You can only reach this page by posting from the html form");
// *** The text input will come in through the variable $_POST["captcha_input"],
// while the correct answer is stored in the cookie $_COOKIE["pass"] ***

if ($_POST["security"] == $_SESSION["pass"])
 // *** They passed the test! ***
 // *** This is where you would post a comment to your database, etc ***
 echo "Correct! You have passed the captcha test. <br><br>";
       echo "You information input has been sent <br><br>";
       echo "This is what you sent  <br><br>";

        echo "First Name: \"" . $_POST["firstname"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "Middle Name: \"" . $_POST["midname"] . "\" <br>";
        echo "Last Name: \"" . $_POST["lastname"] . "\" <br>";
        echo "Suffix: \"" . $_POST["suffix"] . "\" <br>";
        echo "Email: \"" . $_POST["email"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "Daytime Phone: \"" . $_POST["phoneday"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "Ext.: \"" . $_POST["ext"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "Evening Phone: \"" . $_POST["eveningphone"] . "\" <br>";
        echo "Referred By: \"" . $_POST["whoreferred"] . "\" <br>";
        echo "Maritial Status: \"" . $_POST["maritialstat"] . "\" <br>";
        echo "Resident Status: \"" . $_POST["residentstat"] . "\" <br>";
        echo "Date of Birth: \"" . $_POST["birthmonth"] . "\" <br>";
        echo "Date of Birth: \"" . $_POST["birthdate"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "Date of Birth: \"" . $_POST["birthyear"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "SSN: \"" . $_POST["ssn1"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "SSN: \"" . $_POST["ssn1"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "SSN: \"" . $_POST["ssn3"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "Number of Dependents: \"" . $_POST["numbdepend"] . "\" <br>";
 echo "Ages: \"" . $_POST["dependages"] . "\" <br>";
        echo "Street: \"" . $_POST["streetadd"] . "\" <br>";
        echo "City: \"" . $_POST["city"] . "\" <br>";
        echo "State: \"" . $_POST["state"] . "\" <br>";
        echo "Zipcode: \"" . $_POST["zip"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "Ownership: \"" . $_POST["ownership"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "Years: \"" . $_POST["years"] . "\" <br>";
        echo "Street: \"" . $_POST["streetadd2"] . "\" <br>";
        echo "City: \"" . $_POST["city2"] . "\" <br>";
        echo "State: \"" . $_POST["state"] . "\" <br>";
        echo "Zipcode: \"" . $_POST["zip"] . "\" <br>";
        echo "Ownership: \"" . $_POST["ownership"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "Years: \"" . $_POST["years2"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "I do not wish to furnish this information: \"" . $_POST["notgivinginfo"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "Ethnicity: \"" . $_POST["ethnicity"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "American Indian or Alaska Native: \"" . $_POST["americanindianoralaskanative"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "Asian: \"" . $_POST["asian"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "Black or African American: \"" . $_POST["blackorafricanamerican"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: \"" . $_POST["nativehawaiianorotherpacificislander"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "White: \"" . $_POST["white"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "Male: \"" . $_POST["male"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "Female: \"" . $_POST["female"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "Base: \"" . $_POST["baseincome"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "Bonus: \"" . $_POST["bonusincome"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "Commission Income: \"" . $_POST["commissionincome"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "Checking: \"" . $_POST["checkingass"] . "\" <br>";
        echo "Savings: \"" . $_POST["savingsass"] . "\" <br>";
        echo "401K: \"" . $_POST["fouroonek"] . "\" <br>";
        echo "Other: \"" . $_POST["otherass"] . "\" <br>";
        echo "Property Usage: \"" . $_POST["propertyusage"] . "\" <br>";
        echo "Purpose of Loan: \"" . $_POST["loanpurpose"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "Purpose of Refinance: \"" . $_POST["purposeofrefinance"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "Loan Amount: \"" . $_POST["loanamount"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "Property Value: \"" . $_POST["propertyvalue"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "Number of Units: \"" . $_POST["numofunits"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "Year Built: \"" . $_POST["yearbuilt"] . "\" <br>";
  echo "Street: \"" . $_POST["streetadd3"] . "\" <br>";
        echo "City: \"" . $_POST["city3"] . "\" <br>";
        echo "State: \"" . $_POST["state3"] . "\" <br>";
        echo "Zipcode: \"" . $_POST["zip3"] . "\" <br>";
//sends email via php to the following address
$mailuser = "cmeyers@bmcfl.com";
$option = $_POST['radio']; 
$dropdown = $_POST['drop_down']; 
//echo 'default chosen address: '.$mailuser;
 $header = "Return-Path: ".$mailuser."
 $header .= "From: form with captcha <".$mailuser.">
 $header .= "Content-Type: text/html;"; 
 $mail_body = '
 First Name: '.$_POST[firstname].' has sent his input.
 Middle Name: '. $_POST[midname] . '<br>
 Last Name: '. $_POST[lastname] . '<br>
 Suffix: '. $_POST[suffix] . '<br>
 Email: '. $_POST[email] . '<br>
 Daytime Phone: '. $_POST[phoneday] . '<br>
 Ext.: '. $_POST[ext] . '<br>
 Evening Phone: '. $_POST[eveningphone] . '<br>
 Referred By: '. $_POST[whoreferred] . '<br>
 Maritial Status: '. $_POST[maritialstat] . '<br>
 Resident Status: '. $_POST[residentstat] . '<br>
 Date of Birth: '. $_POST[birthmonth] . '<br>
 Date of Birth: '. $_POST[birthdate] . '<br>
 Date of Birth: '. $_POST[birthyear] . '<br>
 SSN: '. $_POST[ssn1] . '<br>
 SSN: '. $_POST[ssn2] . '<br>
 SSN: '. $_POST[ss3] . '<br>
 Number of Dependents: '. $_POST[numdepend] . '<br>
 Ages: '. $_POST[denendages] . '<br>
 Street: '. $_POST[streetadd] . '<br>
 City: '. $_POST[city] . '<br>
 State: '. $_POST[state] . '<br>
 Zipcode: '. $_POST[zip] . '<br>
 Ownership: '. $_POST[ownership] . '<br>
 Years: '. $_POST[years] . '<br>
 Street: '. $_POST[street2] . '<br>
 City: '. $_POST[city2] . '<br>
 State: '. $_POST[state2] . '<br>
 Zipcode: '. $_POST[zip2] . '<br>
 Ownership: '. $_POST[ownership2] . '<br>
 Years: '. $_POST[years2] . '<br>
 I do not wish to furnish this information: '. $_POST[notgivinginfor] . '<br>
 Ethnicity: '. $_POST[ethnicity] . '<br>
 Female: '. $_POST[female] . '<br>
 Male: '. $_POST[male] . '<br>
 Base: '. $_POST[baseincome] . '<br>
 Bonus: '. $_POST[bonusincome] . '<br>
 Commission: '. $_POST[commissionincome] . '<br>
 Checking: '. $_POST[checkingass] . '<br>
 Savings: '. $_POST[savingass] . '<br>
 401K: '. $_POST[fouroonek] . '<br>
 Other: '. $_POST[otherass] . '<br>
 Property Usage: '. $_POST[propertyusage] . '<br>
 Purpose of Loan: '. $_POST[loanpurpose] . '<br>
 Purpose of Refinance: '. $_POST[purposeofrefinance] . '<br>
 Loan Amount: '. $_POST[loanamount] . '<br>
 Property Value: '. $_POST[propertyvalue] . '<br>
 Number of Units: '. $_POST[numberofunits] . '<br>
 Year Built: '. $_POST[yearbuilt] . '<br>
 Street: '. $_POST[streetadd3] . '<br>
 City: '. $_POST[city3] . '<br>
 State: '. $_POST[state3] . '<br>
 Zipcode: '. $_POST[zip3] . '<br>'
 mail ($mailuser, 'Form sent', $mail_body, $header);
         echo 'THANKS ';    
} else {
 // *** The input text did not match the stored text, so they failed ***
 // *** You would probably not want to include the correct answer, but
 // unless someone is trying on purpose to circumvent you specifically,
 // its not a big deal.  If someone is trying to circumvent you, then
 // you should probably use a more secure way besides storing the
 // info in a cookie that always has the same name! :) ***
 echo "Sorry, you did not pass the CAPTCHA test.<br><br>";
 echo "You said " . $_POST["captcha_input"];
 echo " while the correct answer was " . $_SESSION["pass"];
        echo "    - Please click back in your browser and try again <br><br>";