Quick scene question

I’m having problems!

I have 2 scenes. Scene 1 with a preloader that is 21 frames long and on the 21st frame uses the following actionscript to point to the portfolio timeline on Scene 2…

gotoAndPlay("Scene 2", 1);

This works fine and my portfolio comes up as planned. In this scene however (Scene 2), I have a movieclip containing buttons that should play different sections of Scene 2. They use the following actionscript…

on (rollOver) {

…except obvioulsy with a different frame number in each.

When I originally had just the portfolio and therefore only one scene, everything worked awesomely. But the whole thing is now too big not to have a preloader in and since I had the new scene the buttons have been all over the place, not even doing the wrong thing consistently!

I have tried the following to try and fix it…

on (rollOver) {
    gotoAndPlay("Scene 2", 25);


on (rollOver) {


on (rollOver) {
    _root.gotoAndPlay("Scene 2", 25);


on (rollOver) {


on (rollOver) {
     _parent.gotoAndPlay("Scene 2", 25);

…but none of it has worked. I don’t know quite enough about actionscript to even begin to know where im going wrong… andi ts driving me mad! :m:

Can anyone help??!

