Quick White Flash before Flash load on website

Hello. I’m fairly new to flash and built a website, that does both images and flash. I have 3 flash files, 1 for a top animation, 1 for a navigation, and 1 for my bottom header. Anytime I load a page or click a link to visit the next page from an external link, like going from page1.html to page2.html, it instantly loads everything besides the flash files, which blink WHITE for half a second, then displays the content in the flash files. I’ve looked up some information on google.com, and came across what some other have recommended to other users having the same issue, which they mention using a preloader.

this is what the white flash looks like on my website
" the white areas are the flash files a second before they load "

So, I tired to create a preloader with no luck at all. I followed instructions perfectly to add in a preloader for my animation but i kept getting errors upon a preloader loading and it wouldn’t load the content. Now, my project in Flash 8 looks like this, have 1 layer on the timeline, which that 1 layer has 1 frame, which that 1 frame has a movie on the fram and when you double click it, then leads to the animation I created for that movie. (i’ve provided images below for you guys to see.)

Part 1: http://img461.imageshack.us/img461/8421/part1bg1.jpg
Part 2: http://img461.imageshack.us/img461/9676/part2rw0.jpg

My question would be:
How do I add in a preloader for a project from the above images i’ve posted? If someone could point me in the right direction to a tutorial, or post some instruction steps on how to perform this that would be awesome. The white flashing is just terrible looking and I’ve been spending all day try to find a fix for this.

Thanks guys, I love the site. this site finally made me step up to flash and eat it like an apple, just gotta get the white flash thing gone. Thanks again.