
What’s that tutorial site… I think its a .co.uk site… and I think the guy’s name is dave… but I cant find it.
Some tutorials he has is the pixel border thing… and uh, the one with the glowing text thing…

sorry if im not giving enough details :chinaman:

Duh… Huh?

I can’t remember it either come to think of it… Hmm…


LOL Ii for one have noooo clue wtf you are talking about.

*Originally posted by morse *
**LOL Ii for one have noooo clue wtf you are talking about. **

yeh me neither!

could this be it?


its co.uk and it has a pixel border tutorial…

Whoa, he has some kickarse images!

I think Jubba may have saved the day again :slight_smile:

nope :frowning:

however, for the layout pages, they are similar to the ones at phong.com
http://phong.com/tutorials/dropshadow/ (i.e.)

hope that helps more.
and I know that LostInBeta mentioned in a reply about someone going crazy using the tutorials at (the place im looking for)
i think it was in the drawing and design forum

well I did a search of the D&D forum for “crazy” and Username “lostinbeta” and I found this thread:


and this is the site he was talking about in that thread…


hails Jubba
thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!

Did you mean this link:

*Originally posted by cdr1986 *
**Did you mean this link:
[URL=Computer Arts magazine | Creative Bloq] **

no… the one jubba posted… hence why I was hailing him

Ya the tuts there are sweet. I think I’ve done most of them

Yeah that little “search” button is mighty powerful. All I did was type in “crazy” for the word search, “LostinBeta” for the username, and limited the results to the D&D forum only. It came up with 5 results, and I read thru them all and doesn’t it figure that it was the last one that I looked at :slight_smile: You’re welcome reViper… no need to hail me… send cash instead. My paypal is jedick1@binghamton.edu :slight_smile:

lol. i tried searching… but nothing and I just remembered that lib posted that, so I didnt search that. the search button dont like me anyhow. :trout:

See I was right - Jubba DID save the day :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by SureShot *
**See I was right - Jubba DID save the day :slight_smile: **


Yeah its weird. Some people just can’t seem to search for the right things. They don’t know how to use the right keywords. :slight_smile:

I’m glad I could help :beam: