What’s that tutorial site… I think its a .co.uk site… and I think the guy’s name is dave… but I cant find it.
Some tutorials he has is the pixel border thing… and uh, the one with the glowing text thing…
hope that helps more.
and I know that LostInBeta mentioned in a reply about someone going crazy using the tutorials at (the place im looking for)
i think it was in the drawing and design forum
Yeah that little “search” button is mighty powerful. All I did was type in “crazy” for the word search, “LostinBeta” for the username, and limited the results to the D&D forum only. It came up with 5 results, and I read thru them all and doesn’t it figure that it was the last one that I looked at You’re welcome reViper… no need to hail me… send cash instead. My paypal is jedick1@binghamton.edu