I know I’ve tossed this question out in a couple of other threads, so I apologize for repeating myself - I’m just not figuring it out.
Anyway, I have a flash movie in a pop window. Then I have buttons in that window that all execute load movie commands. One of those buttons loads an SWF that discusses my visual effects reel. I have buttons in that swf that I want to launch another pop window that contains an HTML file with a quicktime movie (no flash at all.) I can’t get it to work to save my life. What should I do?
Crap! I realized I phrased my question wrong. My problem isn’t embedding the quicktime - that works fine. It’s the launching of the pop-up window out of the swf that isn’t working right. I appreciate the help above, but that’s not what I meant - sorry I was unclear.
Basically, I’ve tried a bunch of different tutorials to launch this pop window out of the SWF (most of which used javascript) and nothing works right. Obviously, I’m missing a beat, so if somebody has a killer tutorial or advice, that’d be great. Thanks.
Sure did, but it didn’t help. I read in another post that the problem might be that I’m trying to launch an HTML file off a button in a loadmovie swf, but I’m not sure where to go from there.
Ok, you’ve probably answered my question and in my complete ignorance of Flash, I have missed your answer. But here is the order I am trying to do things in.
When you go to my web address I have a HTML splash page. Click on the enter button and it opens a pop-up window running my main page swf.
That mainpage swf has four buttons, each execute a load movie command. One of those buttons is for the demo reel, which loads an swf movie into a blank movie clip on the mainpage swf.
That loaded movie allows a user to select a quicktime movie to view. When they press the button, I want another pop up window to open which loads an HTML page I have created (with the appropriate quicktime movie embedded. This is where I am having my problem: when the button is pressed, nothing happens. No pop-up window launches, and I have tried both pop-up tutorials on this site.
Does that clear things up? Did I miss the answer in your suggestions? Thanks for your continued help on this matter.
Surely with all of the brilliant flashers cruising this board, somebody’s got the solution to this. Sorry to be a pain, but if you have the slightest idea, please post it. Thanks.