hello i have a simple quiz question,i just can’t quite seem to get right.
i have been learning AS2.0 through modifying scripts to get a better understanding ,here’s the some what original script
mcSubmit.onRelease = function():Void {
_global.style.setStyle(“color”, “white”);
_global.style.setStyle(“themeColor”, “red”);
_global.style.setStyle(“fontSize”, “14”);
function calculateScore():Void {
var bScoreOne:Boolean = (kindofdog.selectedData == “cat”);
var bScoreTwo:Boolean = (trained.selectedData == “No sir”);
var bScoreThree:Boolean = (playset.selectedData == “three”);
var fScore:Number = 0;
if(bScoreOne) {
if(bScoreTwo) {
if(bScoreThree) {
tQuizScore.text = “You scored " + fScore + " correct out of 3 questions.”;
/////////// END /////////
which is fine…BUT how do i tell the script to goto different frames depending on the value (how many question you got right)
shouldn’t it read it read after the last line
/// BUT if you get " 3 out of 3 " questions correct goto frame 20 //////
if (nScore:Number = 3
tQuizScore.text = "You scored " + fScore + " correct out of 3 questions.":
GotoFrame 20();
what am i not understanding that this is wrong???
any help would be great thanx