I have a flash movie with buttons down the right side and on the left side i have a display area. How can i make the buttons load movie clips into the display area, but not allow two movieclips to be there at once - it overlaps and looks rubbish the way i have it now.
Is there anyway to disable the other buttons while one movie clip is loaded? or any other way of solving this problem…
That would be the power of unloadMovie(). Use the unloadMovie() function to unload the movie you have loaded and then use the loadMovie funtion to load your new movie.
*Originally posted by skidpanda * Is there anyway to disable the other buttons while one movie clip is loaded? or any other way of solving this problem.
The thing is: your movies don’t load, because they are loaded with the rest of the movie. And if you want to automatically replace the movie clip, you could put one and only movie clip with several frames, and then your buttons would sent it to the right frame.