Radio blog style music player...can anyone help?

Hi hi.

i’ve searched the forum for help on building an mp3 style player, and i’ve come across a few helpful ones, but not exactly what i’m looking for.
I visited the other day to get a player for a site, but it’s both branded and the interface is fixed with no open source fla to change anything.

i’m working with a small company who produce their own music, so naturally, they dont want their stuff to be copied and thrown around various p2p programs which is why i need a player, capable of using a playlist, basic button features like play, pause, stop, next & previous, but using either .swf or .rbs formats.

Is there anyone out there who can help me with this please? i have no set deadline at the moment, and my AS knowledge is limited to copy and paste, but i’m willing to learn if someone can point me in the right direction.

many thanks