Radio button question and problem

Hello all, newbie here, but the forums have been very helpful. I’m taking college classes, but not the one on how to use Flash, so my knowledge is mostly hunt and peck. I’m working on a project where I want the user to pick from a group of radio buttons. I originally wanted to just save that choice as a variable for comparison later, but it looks like I have to use some sort of submit button. I created a submit button, but when I try to test it, I get the not loaded error. I have the import statement for mouse events on the top of the actions page, but no luck. here’s the code I have so far

submitButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, checkAnswer);

function checkAnswer(evt:MouseEvent):void {

I’m using AS2 for this. I know I don’t have any code after the checkanswer function, but since I wasn’t even getting that far I’m not as worried about it. Also, I think I’ve got the concept of a radio button group down, but I need to make sure that what is chosen can be passed as a variable later. Hope this makes sense.