Ragdoll Physics

My team and I are possibliy in the need of some ragdoll physics for crashes on our game.

The character consists of 12 different movie clips (2 feet, 2 bottom legs, 2 pants and thigh, 1 torso, two upper arm and sleeves, 1 head, 2 fore arms, and 2 hands.)

I think we would need somthing along the lines of. When the player is going to crash, we can set the ragdoll physics on. Making for a new crash every time.

Does anyone have such a code written out, or if not could direct me in the direction of a good tutorial for such a task.

Thanks in Advance.

Aim: Towlie2110
Msn: Towlie2110@hotmail.com

If anyone contributes anything, they will receive credit where credit is due.