I think my last posts have fallen behind and are no longer fresh with help, (even though some tried). I’m re-posting with a more simplified file for what I need to do.
Right now, I have 5 boxes on the stage as movie clips, each one with the same animation waiting to be targeted.
What I need is a random script that will make them play in “random” order. This should occur after a few seconds of inactivity where they each play, but once there’s mouse movement, whichever ones did animate should “reset” or play back to their original positions, (assuming there’s more boxes and there’s movement before all of them play).
I have some code in there for arrays and some random script that isn’t working right now. I just need the random setup, really. I may be able to figure out the time delay, (maybe), and then be able to tweak the rest of it for how I need. Right now, I’ve just simplified everything in a 5 box example hoping someone might be able to work with what I have.
I really, REALLY appreciate it.