Random fullscreen background image on refresh

Hi there, I have flash site and client wants random fullscreen background image to load on refresh. sounds easy right ?. but i’ve tried a lot of components and code snippets but it’s causing headaches as nothing seems to work. i have a client squirming because it isn’t done and i was wondering if you could help me out.

I did purchase a component from flashden (randombgholder) which does exactly what i want, but it seems to clash with the flashloaded fCMS system i have working in place, and somehow knocks it out, but that could be my bad amateur flash coding causing it. And when i go to center the swf over the background using his code he provided it goes haywire.
perhaps i could do a random fullscreen background image on page refresh in html?? i tried some css ones, but nothing works probably because i’m very new to flash and the likes.
links to tutorials or someone i could even pay to do this - anything really appreciated.
THanks in advance, Angie.