The last time I made a thread here about some help,I got tons of help, so now I got a new project working and was wondering if I can get some help.
In Brief… Its pretty much an image banner, whenever a person goes on the site the image shows, then the next image, and the next, I want to make it more random… so whenever the page refreshes, it picks 1-5 images in random order… How can I get it done?
Here is the file that I am working on
It is REALLY SMALL, just 1.1 megabytes, and that includes all the images and a publishing and a .fla file, so if anyone can help me, that would be great. I tried to follow a tutorial[URL=“”] on different sites but I get a lot of errors, so I deleted all the ‘gibbrish’ that I wrote, made it clean again so someone can look at it and tell me how to fix it or something…
thank you so much guys