Random Image Move

I want to create a random number that will move an image to a set x and y coordinate

var randomNum:Number = Math.round(Math.random()*(30000-1000))+1000;
var count:Number = 0;

This is the code I have and it does not work. I am a newbie at actionscripting.
What I did was create a random number and a counter, when the counter=the random number, move the imgae with the instance name “matarola” to (200,200) else count adds one to itself, which, if i did it right, would make the image randomly come down between 1 and 30 seconds. Is there a way to motion it in instead of having it just pop in…and also, I need another function to select a random number, say between 1 and 10…and I will have an array with 10 lines of text that will scroll across the “matarola” pager image, in a certain font I have.

Thanks for your help!!


have you searched kirupa.com already? there a some great tuts about this:

maybe some reading will help you out a bit :smiley:

		_root.matarola._x+= (200-_root.matarola._x)/_root.speed
		_root.matarola._y+= (200-_root.matarola._y)/_root.speed
		_root.count++ // just a simpler way of writing what you wrote ;)

on matarola and

randomNum = Math.round(Math.random()*(290))+10;
count = 0;
speed = 5

on the main timeline…
note you had actually got your numbers wrong… FMX is slower than you thought :wink: it would be around 10 and 300 secs…
BUT i would reccomend using something MUCH simpler and tidier such as:

speed = 5
Var1 = setInterval(ease,(Math.Random()*29000)+1000) // note setInterval works in milliseconds!
function easeIn(){
	_root.matarola.onEnterFrame = function(){
		_root.matarola._x+= (200-_root.matarola._x)/_root.speed
		_root.matarola._y+= (200-_root.matarola._y)/_root.speed

on the main timeline and hey presto…

note that if you address a movieclip with an instance name it is simply _root.example._x OR _root[“example”]._x BUT if you are addressing a movieclip via a variable (ie. you have 3 movieclips called* ex1*, ex2 and ex3 and the var eg = either 1, 2 or 3) you use _root[“ex”+eg]._x

note also:

 == // means *is equal to* and is used for **validation**, ie. an IF statement that checks if a variable is true would use this operator
= // means *now equals* and is used as an **assignment** operator only.

the movement code is from a kirupa tut about easing.


Thanks for all your help, I had the idea in my head but I definately have it doing what I want now. You had a few errors in your code =Þ, the…Random should be random and the ease should be easeIn or the function should just be ease

Thanks again