I am completely new at PHP and don’t have time to learn it properly! I’m trying to send an email of answers given from Flash.
It sends an email fine. Just I recieve random word breaks I have pasted the email in so you can see on question 15 there is a random break and this keeps happening every 20 questions or so.
What is going on??
$to = ($_POST['email']); $subject = "Your Answers"; $message = "Hi" . $_POST['name'] . "
";$message .= "Here are your given answers:
";$message .= ($_POST['message']);$message = wordwrap($message,70); $message .= "
"; $message .= "From: " . $_POST['name'] . "Email: " . $_POST['email'] . "
"; if(@mail("$to, "Your Answers", $message, $headers)) { echo "answer=ok"; } else { echo "answer=error"; } ?>
Example of my email:
[COLOR=#2A2A2A]Hi ht[/COLOR]
Here are your given answers:
Step 1 Exercise 1 - Complete the following questions
Question 1. What are some things that I already do proactively?:
Question 2. Why do I do these things?:
Question 3. What are some of the things I procrastinate on?:
Question 4. Why don't I act proactively with these?:
Question 5. When in my life have I made a significant behaviour change?:
Question 6. Why did I do this then?:
Question 7. Who in my life is a good role model for me to learn about change?:
Question 8. Why do they seem to be able to change their behaviour so easily?:
Step 2 Exercise 1 - List what matters most to you
Question 9. What are you most passionate about?:
Question 10. What do you value most?:
Question 11. Who are the people closest to you?:
Question 12. How much do they mean to you?:
Question 13. What do you most want to achieve in life?:
Question 14. What else matters most to you?: <b>
Step 2 Exercise 1 - What does your personal brand look like?
Question 15. How do you
[COLOR=#2A2A2A]want others to see you?: [/COLOR]