Hey guys. I’m an amateur flash developer and I need desperate help. I have no skills in random what so ever. I’m trying to make a fortune cookie/advice doodad that randomly loads a line of text from an external txt file but I have no idea how to do it. PLEASE HELP ME!!! I will give you credit in the file and on my site and in resources.
Place a textfield on stage. Give it an instance name of “myText” (no quotes).
Now open your notepad and write the following lines:[AS]text1=text 1 goes here&text2=text 2 goes here&text3=text 3 goes here&[/AS]You can enter as many variables you want. In this example we are working with 3 diferent lines. Save the file as txtfile.txt
Now place the following code on the first frame of your main timeline:[AS]loadText = new loadVars();
loadText.onLoad = function(OK) {
if (OK) {
myText.Text = this[“text”+(Math.floor(Math.random()*3)+1)]; //i used 3 because we are working with only 3 different texts inside the txt file
Thanks A LOT!!! Usually people don’t respond to my plees of help and pity but luckily someone did. Hopefully it works. If so you’ll definitely will be on my thank list.