Random math prblem

I got this little thing from my math class… wondered if any of you wanted to have a go (all you MIT people will thing this is a joke :slight_smile: ) The problem is you have to figure out how many different possible license plates you could have (3 random numbers and 3 random letters)… Any of you got it?>

well since there are 26 letters in the alphabet you do
and 10 numbers
you get 17576 and 1000
so you do 17576*1000 and you get

PS! That’s just my logic… dunno if it really is that way :smirk:

write a computer program to figure it out for you. Thats what I would do.

Cool can we have a help with homework forum?

haha I have no idea :slight_smile: Isn’t there a nifty formula involving the nCr and nPr? I haven’t touched probabilities in at least 4 or 5 years, and I never really learned it well enough either.

EDIT: Syko’s way sounds like it is right.


Aaaahhhh my GCSE was on probabilities.

I was funded the costs and used skittles then at the end I sold loads of skittles and made a profite on my high school courses ehehehehehee

hehee, I had 15 points (A+) in the probabilities test :love:
hmm, it has been a while but I would say Syko is right.