Random MC Clip

Demographics - Action Script 2.0; Flash CS2

I have 4 MC clips. Each one labeled MC_Ball_1, MC_Ball_2, MC_Ball_3, MC_Ball_4.

I want to randomly pick one to play. Have it play in its entirety and then wait 60 seconds and randomly pick another one, have it play in its entirety, and then wait 60 seconds…keep going in an endless pattern.

I can write code in frame 1 of root to randomly generate 1, 2, 3, or 4. Code below.

var clips:Array = [“MC_Ball_1”, “MC_Ball_2”, “MC_Ball_3”, “MC_Ball_4”];

function playRandomMC2()
var movieID:Number = (Math.floor(Math.random() * clips.length)+1);
trace("PLAY CLIP: "+ movieID);
gotoAndPlay(“MC_Ball_” + movieID);

Problem is when it goes to play the clip, it keeps playing the clip. I put stop(); at the beginning of each code, but it only plays the random number first chosen continuously. Instead of stop(); what can I write so it plays in its entirety, then goes back to frame 1 and choses the next. PLease advise.
