Hey All,
New to the forum here. Great site. Lots of good info.
I’m working in MX Pro 2004 and recently viewed the Random Motion tutorial here on the site (http://www.kirupa.com/developer/actionscript/random_motion.htm). I need to do something similar, yet a bit different from that, but I’m not sure how.
What I’m trying to do is have a bunch of characters populate onto the screen (say a circle). There would be 20-50 instances of this circle, but the trick is I need them to animate in a “dispersive” way (if that makes sense). The circles would come onto the screen and then sort of spread out, coming to a stop at the end of their path. The tutorials I’ve seen (the one mentioned above and some snow tutorials) don’t necessarily do that and I’m not sure how to do that. The animation of these small circles would sort of have an easing out efffect to them, where they’d all start in the center, and randomly move outwards.
Does that make sense? Any help would be greatly appreciated.