Random movement prob

how can i increase speed of the movement of the movie clip of the tutorial in this site about “random movement (Motion)…”
and also is there a way that i can stop the movie clip from randomly moving after a while and make it stay on a certain point that i provide (x , y)… thank you…
any help at all will be appreciated :slight_smile:

you mean on this tutorial?


i think you just change the number a bit where it says

this.speed = Math.random()*4+2;

so i’m guessing jsut chnange the 4 or 2…?!

yeah, that tutorial :slight_smile:
actually i found out how to make it faster :stuck_out_tongue: i just both numbers…

this.speed = Math.random()*24+12;

and now its much faster :slight_smile:
only now i’d like to know how i can make it stop at a certain point after like 5 randomly chosen places…if thats even possible ofcourse :smirk:

thanks alot for u’r reply though :slight_smile:

i dont need the help anymore, thank you all :slight_smile: