Random moyion tute

i’ve just completed the random motion tutorial and since it was basically just cut and oasting code i figured not much could go wrong but… all my little graphic does is JUMP randomly around the screen. not with nice little tweening type motion??
any ideas…anyone???

If I get your question correctly then maybe you can do something with this? Hopefully it helps :geek:

Erh seems something went wrong with the file?! gasp


I created a movieclip with a dot which had a simple tween effect with an alpha which makes it invisible at the end. At the end frame of this movieclip I also added a bit of script:
[AS]_root.rndMove = 1;[/AS]

On the root of the movie itself I added the movieclip and gave it really easy code:
if(_root.rndMove == 1){
_x = random(200);
_y = random(200);
_root.rndMove = 0;
The 200’s where my width and height of the movie.

Hope this helps.


Theres 2 random motion tutorials here, one for Flash 5 and one for Flash MX. Make sure you got the right one.