Ok I’ve seen the math.random function and realize that it’s great for generating random numbers…
But there must be a way of then assigning the number to a frame etc
I basically (although I know this is anything but basic) want to creat a movie clip that when the mouse goes over it a random animation plays ie a random frame etc
Is this possible? Im sure it must be!! it’s just well out of the realms of my limited actionscripting knowledge (which isn’t alot!!)
put a button on your stage and put this action on it
then create another movieclip with all your animations on keyframes in the movieclip
so when this script is activated it will pick a random number from 0 to whatever number you put and then add 1 to it since you don’t have a 0 frame number. so in that box put the number of frames in your movieclip
then when it goes to that frame and stop it will activate your lil clip and play it’s animation
i hope this helps
------ edit -------
claudio you beat me to it … you can use his script … it will work better … good luck