I’ve been working on this great slideshow from NoPonies and wanted to add a url link called from the xml to each images. I’m very close i’m sure but can anyone help me it’s driving me crazy for two days now…
here’s the as and the files are attached:
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import mx.utils.Delegate;
import gs.TweenLite;
class simpleSlideCaptions extends MovieClip {
//vars for XML
private var slideImage:XML;
public var bgImages:Array;
public var captionsArray:Array;
private var p:Number = 0;//track pos in arrays
//Variables pulled in from XML
private var crossFadeTime:Number;
private var imageTime:Number;
private var order:String;
private var captions:Boolean;
private var persistentCaptions:Boolean;
//empty mcs
public var holder_mc:MovieClip;
//set interval
private var bitmapFadeInterval:Number=0
//movieClip Loader
private var slideLoader:MovieClipLoader;
//textField Holder MC
private var captionsHolder:MovieClip;
private var captionsText:TextField;
private var link:String;
//XML loc
private var xmlData:String;
//random image tracker
private var randomImg:Number;
//text array tracker
private var textInc:Number = 0
//textField Padding, left and right indent from edge of image
private var captionsPadding:Number = 75;
//textField BG Colour
private var textFieldBgColour:Number = 0x000000;
//textField Bg Alpha
private var textFieldBgAlpha:Number = 100;
//textField Colour
private var textColour:Number = 0xFFFFFF;
//textField Font
private var textFieldFont:String = “PF_Ronda_Seven_Bold”;//font, embedded in library, set to export for actionScript
//textField Text Size
private var textFieldFontSize:Number = 11;
//textField Use Embedded Fonts
private var textFieldUseEmbedded:Boolean = true;//use if using embedded fonts
//passed via constructor argument, is the location movieClip you want the slideshow to appear in
private var slideTarget_mc:MovieClip;
function simpleSlideCaptions(slideTargets:MovieClip, xmlData:String) {
//grab a reference to the class instance for use in the XML parsing routine
var thisObj:simpleSlideCaptions = this;
slideTarget_mc = slideTargets;
this.xmlData = xmlData;
//movieClip loader
slideLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
slideLoader.addListener(this);//give the scope of this class instance
var slideImage:XML = new XML();
slideImage.ignoreWhite = true;
slideImage.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {
if (success) {
thisObj.slideImage = this;
//get vars from XML file
thisObj.crossFadeTime = this.firstChild.attributes.crossFadeTime;
thisObj.imageTime = this.firstChild.attributes.imageTime;
thisObj.imageTime = (1000*60)*thisObj.imageTime;
thisObj.order = String(this.firstChild.attributes.order);
thisObj.captions = Boolean(parseInt(this.firstChild.attributes.captions));//cast as boolean
thisObj.persistentCaptions = Boolean(parseInt(this.firstChild.attributes.persistentCaptions));//cast as boolean
thisObj.p = 0;
thisObj.bgImages = [];//reset the array var, should for some reason you want to load in a different set of images
thisObj.captionsArray = [];
var xmlNodes = this.firstChild;
var largeImages = xmlNodes.childNodes.length;
var i = 0;
for (i=0; i<largeImages; i++) {
thisObj.bgImages* = xmlNodes.childNodes*.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
if (thisObj.captions == 1) {
thisObj.captionsArray* = xmlNodes.childNodes*.childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue;
link* = xmlNodes.childNodes*.childNodes[2].firstChild.nodeValue;
//load random image when we successfully parse XML
//note reference to class instance
} else {
trace("Fatal Error - Loading slideshow images XML failed");
//lets load the XML file
//second constructor function, here we create our empty mc, set up the movieClipLoaders and finally call the loadSlides function
private function init() {
//we have xml content, so lets start the image loading.
holder_mc = slideTarget_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("holder_mc", 1);
holder_mc._x = 0;
holder_mc._y = 0;
//create the captions if we want them
if (captions) {
//create captions text text field, empty mc and background MC
captionsHolder = holder_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("captionsHolder", 3);
//draw the bg mc's fill
captionsHolder.captionsHolderBg.beginFill(textFieldBgColour,textFieldBgAlpha);//fill colour, and alpha value set here!
//create the captions text field
captionsHolder.createTextField("captionsText",2,0,0,0,0);//all zeros, we set its width etc later.
//text format
var my_fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
my_fmt.font = textFieldFont;//font
my_fmt.size = textFieldFontSize;//size
my_fmt.color = textColour;//text colour
my_fmt.align = "justify";
//text field properties
captionsHolder.captionsText.embedFonts = textFieldUseEmbedded;
captionsHolder.captionsText.autoSize = "left";
captionsHolder.captionsText.wordWrap = true;
captionsHolder.captionsText.html = true;
//add mouse event listeners if we want captions and they are set to not be persistent
//be aware that links in captions text will fail to work if you turn on the rollovers.
if (!persistentCaptions) {
//use delegate to scope functions
this.holder_mc.onRollOver = Delegate.create(this, imageOverHandler);
this.holder_mc.onRollOut = Delegate.create(this, imageOffHandler);
this.holder_mc.onRelease = Delegate.create(this, imagePressHandler);
//set the captions to have a 0 alpha, tweened in later
captionsHolder._alpha = 0;
//load the slide
//captions function. Loads, resizes and tweens in the captions text
private function imageOverHandler() {
captionsHolder.captionsText._x = holder_mc._x+captionsPadding;//place text field, we only use x, as we adjust the parent mc's y value.
captionsHolder.captionsText._width = holder_mc._width-(captionsPadding*2);//size text field with some padding
captionsHolder.captionsText.htmlText = captionsArray[textInc];//populate text field
captionsHolder.captionsHolderBg._width = holder_mc._width;//size bg clip
captionsHolder.captionsHolderBg._height = captionsHolder.captionsText._height+5;//size bg clip with some padding
captionsHolder._y = (holder_mc._y+holder_mc._height-captionsHolder.captionsHolderBg._height)-225;//bottom align text//adjust here if needed pos of text
//captions removal function, tweens text to 0 alpha and removes its content.
private function imageOffHandler() {
TweenLite.to(captionsHolder,1,{_alpha:0, onComplete:emptyText, onCompleteParams:[this]});
function emptyText(ref) {
ref.captionsHolder.captionsText.htmlText = "";
ref.captionsHolder._y = 0;//reset y of captions
private function imagePressHandler() {
getURL(link[p], "_self");
private function onLoadProgress(target:MovieClip, bytesLoaded:Number, bytesTotal:Number):Void {
//amountLoaded = Math.floor((bytesLoaded/bytesTotal)*100);//calulate a loading percentage!
//do something with this data if you want
//run when we have image data
private function onLoadInit(target:MovieClip):Void {
/remove the captions text, if we have it enabled. Check to see if the cursor is on the image, if it is run this function.
means that we can have a situation where the captions are set to display on mouseOver, but the image swaps, leaving old captions
because the mouse has not moved off the image to retrigger the captions functions. We also just don’t want to call this function
all the time either, as we would have a situation where we have enabled mouseOver captions, but they would show up, even if the mouse
was not over the image/
if (captions && persistentCaptions || captions && holder_mc.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {
//clear the existing interval
//alpha out our image we load our bitmap into
target._alpha = 0;
//create the bitmap object, each time this is reset, keeping memory footprint fairly low…
var bitmap:BitmapData = new BitmapData(target._width, target._height, true);
//draw the bitmap
//fade in the temp mc
TweenLite.to(target,this.crossFadeTime,{_alpha:100, onComplete:onFinishTween, onCompleteParams:[this]});//pass reference to class
//as “this” refers to the tween object itself when called from the tween onComplete handler…
function onFinishTween(ref) {
//attach our loaded bitmap to our background mc when the temp totally obscures it
//fade the temp back to 0
TweenLite.to(target,.1,{_alpha:0, onComplete:clearTween});
//tween in the captions text. See above description for rationale.
if (ref.captions && ref.persistentCaptions || ref.captions && ref.holder_mc.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {
function clearTween() {
//remove the temp mc
//reset the timer
//increment manual click var
private function beginInterval():Void {
this.bitmapFadeInterval = setInterval(this, "loadSlides", imageTime);
/Load the slides./
private function loadSlides() {
if (order == "random") {
//create the temp loader mc that we load our new image into
} else {
//sequential loading of images
textInc = p
if (p == bgImages.length) {
p = 0;
//generate a unique number, no immediate duplicates in random slide shows
private function getUniqueNum() {
var tempRandomImg = Math.floor(Math.random(bgImages.length)*bgImages.length);
if (tempRandomImg == randomImg &&bgImages.length>1 ) {
} else {
randomImg = p = textInc = tempRandomImg;
//kill the interval functions
public function killInterval() {
bitmapFadeInterval = null
Thanks in advance.