Random sounds in flash?

how do u make something in flash, a file without frames or tweens, have it randomly loop sounds that are in its library? is this possibel?

This be better in the flash forum?

i dunno, i just thought more people would kno here

I moved this, just because one area gets more attention than another doesn’t mean you should post an irrelevant question there, so please post in the appropriate section.

As for your sound thing… you can use the sound object. You can learn all about that here…


i read through it and it didnt make any scence to me. i dont even think it described how to do what i was asking…

That site is THE BEST site to find out how to use the Sound Object in Flash.

It explains things very well, and it doesn’t explain your random situation, but once you know how to use the Sound Object the rest is just randomizing which sound it plays.

you can store sounds in an array, and randomly play them from there. read the kenny bellow tute, and then read about arrays, it shouldnt be that difficult