Random sparkle

Hey everyone,

I’m trying to create a sparkle effect that looks very angelic, it’s going to be the background to a flash header with navigation below it. I have the navigation down but i need help with the randomness of the sparkle. This should obviously be fading the sparkles in and out randomly.
I would like to be able to set:

  • random min and max
  • random time
  • random blur
  • random scale
  • random position
  • set a max number of sparkles on the screen at all times.

I would like to stay away from using a document class / external .as file.
I have attached an image of what a screen shot should look like in the middle of the effect. I will be using Tween and am most familiar with it. I would appreciate if anyone could hook me up with some sort of working example of a source. It would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and I’ll post the final design and source when I get it all working correctly.