Hey guys.
I was wondering if somebody can help me out with this, i would like to play 9 different videos randomly, but i am more a graphich designer than a flash expert. but i really would like to use this 9 videos on a website and play them randomly. this is the code i am using to get the videos from the server into the flash movie:
vd1.contentPath = “http://portal5.theaterservice.at/flashvideo/www.burgtheater.at/Content.Node2/bilder/inszenierung/Trailer---Adam-Geist.flv.flv”;
texto.text= “Adam Geist von Dea Loher”;
texto1.text= “Regie: David Bösch”;
//where vd1 is the instance name of the Flash Playback Component
onEnterFrame = function () {
PT = Math.floor(vd1.playheadTime);
TT = Math.floor(vd1.totalTime);
PP = Math.floor((PT/TT)*100);
if (PP == 100) {
vd1.contentPath = “http://portal5.theaterservice.at/flashvideo/www.burgtheater.at/Content.Node2/bilder/inszenierung/Begraebnis-Trailer---Flash.flv.flv”;
texto.text= “Das Begräbnis von Thomas Vinterberg”;
texto1.text= “Regie: Thomas Vinterberg”;
onEnterFrame = function () {
PT = Math.floor(vd1.playheadTime);
TT = Math.floor(vd1.totalTime);
PP = Math.floor((PT/TT)*100);
if (PP == 100) {
vd1.contentPath = “http://portal5.theaterservice.at/flashvideo/www.burgtheater.at/Content.Node2/bilder/inszenierung/Trailer---Der-goldene-Drache.flv.flv”;
texto.text= “Der Goldene Drache von Roland Schimmelpfennig”;
texto1.text= “Regie: Roland Schimmelpfennig”;
onEnterFrame = function () {
PT = Math.floor(vd1.playheadTime);
TT = Math.floor(vd1.totalTime);
PP = Math.floor((PT/TT)*100);
if (PP == 100) {
vd1.contentPath = “http://portal5.theaterservice.at/flashvideo/www.burgtheater.at/Content.Node2/bilder/inszenierung/Trailer---Eine-Familie.flv.flv”;
texto.text= “Eine Familie von Tracy Letts”;
texto1.text= “Regie: Alvis Hermanis”;
onEnterFrame = function () {
PT = Math.floor(vd1.playheadTime);
TT = Math.floor(vd1.totalTime);
PP = Math.floor((PT/TT)*100);
if (PP == 100) {
vd1.contentPath = “http://portal5.theaterservice.at/flashvideo/www.burgtheater.at/Content.Node2/bilder/inszenierung/Trailer---Faust-1_webfinal.flv.flv”;
texto.text= “Faust - Der Tragödie erster Teil von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe”;
texto1.text= “Regie: Matthias Hartmann”;
onEnterFrame = function () {
PT = Math.floor(vd1.playheadTime);
TT = Math.floor(vd1.totalTime);
PP = Math.floor((PT/TT)*100);
if (PP == 100) {
vd1.contentPath = “http://portal5.theaterservice.at/flashvideo/www.burgtheater.at/Content.Node2/bilder/inszenierung/Wienerwald-Trailer.flv.flv”;
texto.text= “Geschichten aus dem Wiener Wald von Ödön von Horváth”;
texto1.text= “Regie: Stefan Bachmann”;
onEnterFrame = function () {
PT = Math.floor(vd1.playheadTime);
TT = Math.floor(vd1.totalTime);
PP = Math.floor((PT/TT)*100);
if (PP == 100) {
vd1.contentPath = “http://portal5.theaterservice.at/flashvideo/www.burgtheater.at/Content.Node2/bilder/inszenierung/Nur-Nachts-Trailer-QuickTime-DV-PAL.flv.flv”;
texto.text= “Nur Nachts von Sibylle Berg”;
texto1.text= “Regie: Niklaus Helbling”;
onEnterFrame = function () {
PT = Math.floor(vd1.playheadTime);
TT = Math.floor(vd1.totalTime);
PP = Math.floor((PT/TT)*100);
if (PP == 100) {
vd1.contentPath = “http://portal5.theaterservice.at/flashvideo/www.burgtheater.at/Content.Node2/bilder/inszenierung/Peking-Opel-Trailer-QuickTime-DV-PAL.flv.flv”;
texto.text= “Pekin Opel von René Pollesch”;
texto1.text= “Regie: René Pollesch”;
onEnterFrame = function () {
PT = Math.floor(vd1.playheadTime);
TT = Math.floor(vd1.totalTime);
PP = Math.floor((PT/TT)*100);
if (PP == 100) {
vd1.contentPath = “http://portal5.theaterservice.at/flashvideo/www.burgtheater.at/Content.Node2/bilder/inszenierung/Trailer---Der-Zauberer-von-Oz.flv.flv”;
texto.text= “Der Zauberer von Oz von L. Frank Baum”;
texto1.text= “Regie: Annette Raffalt”;