Random xml loading help needed

this is my first post here, and I urgently need some help with my code.
I’m trying to make an application in which every time you hover on an image (there is only one image on the stage) a new quote is loaded into a dynamic textfield from an xml file displayed over the image.
I have so far managed to load a quote from the xml and it looks good,
but I don’t know how to randomize the quote, now it only loads the first quote every time I hover on the image.
Do I need to rethink the whole code, or just add to it?
Thanks in advance!

Here’s the code:

stop ();
var XMLFILEURL:String = “news.xml”;
var spacing:Number = 2;
var parent = new Object();
parent.childNodes = new Array();
parent.nodeName = “news”;
parent.childNodes[0] = new Object();
parent.childNodes[0].nodeName = “news”;
parent.childNodes[0].childNodes = new Array();
parent.childNodes[0].childNodes[0] = new Object();
var htmlTXT:Array = new Array();
var msgNr:Number = Math.round(Math.random()*(this.firstChild.childNodes.length - 1));
var currentNews:Number = 0;
var t_txt:String = “”;
scope._alpha = 0;
var news:XML = new XML();
news.ignoreWhite = true;
_root[_root.pressedmci.text].yArea = _root[_root.pressedmci.text].originaly;
_root.ruta._visible = true;
_root.rubrik = “”;
_root.innehall = “”;
_root.boken.object._alpha = 0;
_root.choklad.object._alpha = 0;
_root.wwf_panda.object._alpha = 0;
choklad.onRollOver = function ()
_root[_root.aktuellmci.text].yArea = _root[_root.aktuellmci.text].originaly;
_root.aktuellmc = this._name;
if (_root.choklad.fram == true)
_root.choklad.yArea = _root.choklad.destination;
} // end if
if (_root.choklad.fram == false)
_root.choklad.yArea = _root.choklad.originaly;
} // end if
_root.ruta._visible = true;
_root.ruta._x = _root.choklad._x;
trace(“XML loaded!”);
_root.ruta.rubrik = “Mikropaus”;
_root.ruta.innehall = news.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue;
choklad.onRollOut = function ()
_root.ruta._visible = false;
_root.choklad.yArea = _root.choklad.originaly;