Randomly load swf ... but only once!

Here’s my dilemma…

I created a 2 question (2 frame timeline) quiz, lets call it ‘quiz.swf’. I want the quiz to randomly load the questions (e.g. q01.swf) from a folder called ‘questions’. It works great except, the part I’m having the problem with is stopping the same question from being asked more than once.

Chances are good that it won’t load the same question but I want to eliminate that chance completely.

Here’s my code…
[size=1]filename = [“q01.swf”, “q02.swf”, “q03.swf” , “q04.swf”];
path = “questions/”;
i = filename.length;
k = Math.floor(Math.random()*i);
loadMovie(path+filename[k], _root.placer);

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you