[Rant] Females are heartless

I don’t understand, maybe a female could explain this to me.

How is this possible:
My x and I broke up about 2 months ago. We were together for a year and a half. I really did love her, but I did take her for granted. In any event I was very good to her, and she was to me as well.

Anyway we went though a lot of crap which I won’t even post here. Enough crap to really make us that much closer.

So like I said we broke up 2 months ago, and have not spoken since. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, mostly about her. Note she’s 28 and Im 23 which had a lot to do with the breakup. So I’m thinking now, you know what she’s the best thing that’s happened to me in a while. So I decide to email her and say hi or whatever.

She call’s me like 5 minutes later, so I’m like sweet(thinking we may have been able to work things out).

Well my friends, she’s been with the same guy since week 2 of our breakup :diss: I cannot believe this. I mean here I am, sulking about her for the past 2 months and she’s doing her thang the whole time.

I would think after all the bs we’ve been through she wouldn’t "recover’ so fast. I mean I didn’t, and I’m usually bad with stuff like this, I tend to say screw her find a new chick. Not this time, I’m not ready for another one of these relationships. And it really hurts to now she don’t care, and that she doesn’t even think about me. It’s like we were never together.

She just told me this a few minutes ago, so I am definatly heated beyond the max. Jealous? Indeed I am. What pisses me off is this guy is 9 years older then me, so it makes me want to break his face even more. :hurt:

Anyway Digital will now move on and stop being a little b$tch but before I go.

How could you tell someone you love them, and 2 weeks after the break up be sleeping with some other dude?