i’m just ranting after an almost disaster …
well anyways i download and installed .netframework 1.1 on my windows xp sp2 and it ended up giving me problems which i fixed but somehow whenever i logged on it annoyingly asked for my password and id. So i disabled it by changing it in the control panel users area logged on and still asked for password and id. I got in and then tried to bypass the logon password and id at startup by using accessing “control userpasswords2” at run command. I started it up everything went perfect then i started up again and all of a sudden the id and password logon flashed with a login error and automatically went to the “starting windows xp up…” page but it didn’t start windows xp and was stuck there and couldn’t do anything. So i on off the power to restart to access the boot screen so i can enter safe boot, but NOW for some strange reason i couldn’t get to it after frantically pressing every button on the keyboard (and didn’t have a boot disk). This is when i panic and turn on and off the power like 15 times untill the seriousness of this problem hit me,(this is when i start cursing at the monitor and at microsoft) I figured i would have to go to some computer store and loose all my stuff. SO unkowingly i put in a disk in A drive with some random files on it i restart and then i see dos saying “unrecognized disk press any button to continue” so i do and to my relief the options page for entering safe boot comes up! . I ended up fixing everything and now all is well in the land of kay