RE: Photo Gallery Using XML and Flash tutorial - variation

Awesome tutorial… helped me SOOOOO much :}

One question… amonst other things, I’ve created a bulitin (sorry about the spelling) board for our Home LAN using the [color=black]Photo Gallery[font=Verdana] Using XML and Flash tutorial, adding another 4 or so description boxes to create an area on the homepage to send notes to each other (using a seperate CGI/Perl script from another page to remotely edit the XML file) and having the image as a photofit which changes so that you know who its from.[/font][/color]
Because it is a bulitin board, we would get more from it having the most recent post at the front.

I’ve tried to fiddle with the code so that when the flash movie loads it loads the last Node from the XML file (what would be the last photo from the album/slideshow) but i just cant get it to work properly…

I know that because of how XML is coded, to use ‘currentNode = total’ I would need to add a ‘-1’ to the end to counteract the fact that XML counts from 0 upwards rather than 1 upwards.

This is fine, and I can get it to display the final post, but it still believes it is the first post so despite it showing all the info from the last Node in the XML, it will not allow you to view the previous post and upon clicking the next button it jumps to Node 2, as it would if starting from the start. :tired:

Hopefully I have made this as clear as possible lol!!! anyway, if anyone has any ideas it would be most appreciated - been working on it all night (about 6 hours) lol!

P.S. I can submit the files if necassary…
