RE: Playing an MP3 from a URL

Hello All!
I need some help with a project of mine. I am creating a small “play, pause, and stop” button on my site. Once the play button is clicked, I want it to load the mp3 from a specific URL and start playing it as it’s loading. The reason I’m choosing to do it this way is to minimize the size of the file on my site. Also, while we’re on the subject, I will probably need some help reconfiguring my current flash project so that it can pause and stop. I have the pause and stop buton working now, but I’m assuming I’ll have to change my actionscript due to the way the mp3 will be loading…correct?

Any help would greatly be appreciated!


Best regards,


  1. Don’t crosspost!!! :angry:

  2. I don’t know if Flash 5 supports the sound object, but I think it does. So…

Thats everything you want to know about the Sound objet in Flash.

If Flash 5 doesn’t support the Sound object, then I don’t know what to tell you.

Hey, thanks so much for the info.

I just wanted to know…and apologize:sigh: for crossposting. I’m new to this whole forum thing…what’s a crosspost, and how do I avoid doing it again? Sorry.



Crossposting is posting two threads on the same exact subject in two different sections.

It gets too confusing.

yes flash 5 supports the sound objject

Thanks Digital. Sometimes it kinda sucks that I got into the Flash game so late, I don’t always know what works and what doesn’t in previous versions :frowning:

better late then never :slight_smile:

Yeah, but the later you start the more you have to learn :hangover:

But it’s all fun, so who cares :stuck_out_tongue: