Re: Transitions Between External SWFs tut

Ok, so i followed this tutorial,
and everything is working great no problems to speak.

In that tutorial, all the buttons that loaded the external SWF’s were on the main timeline. What i wanted to do, was have links inside the externally loaded swfs that would load additonal pages in place of itself.

I.E. Say you click on “Products” on the navagation bar, and the “Products.swf” is loaded externally as shown in the tutorial.

But then once in the “Products.swf” page when you click on a image of a product, the “Products.swf” plays its outro and then loads that particuar products individual page.

There was a note included in the tutorial saying that all you would need to do is change the path to container movie clip. But i have no idea which one to change. HELP !

Here is the code.

on (release) { if (_root.currMovie == undefined) { _root.currMovie = “main”; container.loadMovie(“main.swf”); } else if (_root.currMovie != “main”) { if (container._currentframe >= container.midframe) { _root.currMovie = “main”;;}}}

Sorry, im new here. Dunno the proper way to contain code in that pretty blue border.