I’m storying vars for x and y coordinants for starting and ending positions for movieclips. i wanted to store them in an external file to save space since there are over 100 MC’s and i didnt was 4 lines * 100 MC’s. the vars are storred in an array.
xstart[num]; ystart[num]; xend[num]; yend[num];. but if there is a more simple way or if using mysql or something works better let me know. I AM OPEN TO SUGJESTIONS
long story short, i have a .TXT file that has numbers in it, one per line. for instance:
what i need is a flash loop that could put each line into an array. (WITHOUT pre deffining each var name, that would NOT save me time or space in my code because i couldnt use an appropriate loop.)
while (x = 1, not at the end of the file, x++)
myArray(x) = next line in the file;