Hey guys,
Ok so I have a simple swf file… a simple menu for an HTML website. The thing is, I can’t use gotoAndPlay on the main timeline. Why ? Well, apparently because of some movieclip (containing some actions themselves). So here’s what I tried and what were the results…
1- At first, I thought I was retarded, so I created an entirely new as3 file to see if I could reproduce the problem. Turns out I’m not that retarded cause it worked fine.
2- Got back to my main file. I commented out all of the AS on the main timeline… tried using simple “gotoAndPlay(3)” on frame 1. What happened is strange. The playhead would stop at frame 2 (the next frame with a stop(); action)… even though I asked it to go to frame 3.
3- I inserted some frames after frame 1, so that frames 2 and 3 were now frames 45 and 46. So in frame 1, I added “gotoAndPlay(46)”. Same thing happened (it stopped on the next frame that had a stop(): action… which was now 45)… but now, a delay before the playhead reached frame 45 indicated that not only it’s not going to frame 46, but it’s simply acting as a “play()” action.
4- Not knowing what to do anymore, I commented out all the code from the main timeline (except the stop() actions) AND deleted the layer that contained the movieclips… tried the gotoAndPlay action again and… it worked. Seems like the movieclips that contain some actions themselves are conflicting with the main timeline.
5- I inspected the AS in the MCs… nothing big really… some stop() actions and a couple of “navigateToURL”. So all I could think of is maybe the stop() actions in the MC were (strangely) interfering with the main timeline… so I changed them all to “this.stop();”… which didn’t help.
So here it is. I think I have a real AS3 bug on my hands, but maybe you guys can think of something.
Thanks !