I have a question regarding thsi tutorial.
For one, thsi is a great tutorial, but I am having trouble adding buttons to my movie. How can I do this and get them to show up and work when I drag over them along with the mask?
I have a question regarding thsi tutorial.
For one, thsi is a great tutorial, but I am having trouble adding buttons to my movie. How can I do this and get them to show up and work when I drag over them along with the mask?
Fist of all, you don’t have to worry about that if you’re using Flash MX because now you have scriptable masks (another tutorial).
And I’m not sure I understand your problem very well. Where are your buttons? In the masked movie?
pom :asian:
Thanks, for the tute
Ok, well I got the buttons to work, I had to make the buttons larger than the mask, now my problem is that when I hover over the button, the masked image jumps and looks glitchy. If I remove the button/s, the image is fine.
Could I send you teh file to show you what I am trying to attempt?
Also, so are you saying that MX lets you drag a mask now? If so, I am getting MX soon:)
Thank you again,
OK, does it really jump a lot? Because it always jumps, as Flash has to calculate the position of the background image all the time, and it has to round it.
And yes, Flash MX allows you to draw, resize, move, drag, eat, kiss and do anything you want with your masks. Ain’t that cool?
pom :asian:
Ok, now I am playing with MX and I can not get my mask to drag. If I turn off the mask thn the object moves like it should but once I make it a mask, it acts just like Flash 5.
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you,
I don’t understand. Is it Flash 5 or MX?
If it’s F5>> post the fla
F MX: Use the setMask function and check the tutorial written by Inigo.
pom :asian:
I was using Flash 5 but now I am using MX.
I just went through the tutorial you suggested by Inigo. AWESOME!! you can make mask with actionscript!! Yipee, fixed all my problems:)
Thank you very much,
Glad you could do it. The real fake drag mask method is really simple hacking, just to get a nice-looking effect. Flash MX rocks.
pom :asian:
Thanks again:)
One last question, now I know that masks are scriptable, but can I actually make a mask a ‘draggable’ object? If so, how to do it?
Thank you,
startDrag. The usual way. Now masks are regular movie clips. You can even dynamically draw them, resize them with AS… The only thing you can’t do is a gradient mask.
pom :asian:
Hmm, I tried that, startdrag, but it does not let me do anything to the object when I play it. Does teh mask need to be a button inside an MC? I tried different variation of this as well and could not get it to work. I made a regular dragagble object just to see if it was me but that worked fine. Could you explain how to do this please?
Thank you,
p.s. Sorry for all my issues, I am actually quite proficient with Flash and have made some very nice presentations but sometimes I just go blank;)
On your mask clip:
on (press){
pom :asian:
yup, once I placed it in a blank MC, that worked:)
Thanks again:)
Shame, that you can’t do a gradient mask, maybe there is a fake way to do it?
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