Really nice drop downs

It still works in MX, but tellTarget is like Flash 4/5 syntax.

flash 3/4 actually. deprecated in flash 5 :slight_smile:

Well for being Deprecated in Flash 5, a heck of a lot of Flash 5 tutorials only use tellTarget :-\

I know Flash 5 started the new dot syntax in which you didn’t need tellTarget, but I also know almost every Flash 5 tutorial that involves using things like that always use tellTarget instead of the dot syntax. I always wondered about that.

But eh, I started with MX, I don’t know anything about anything before it :slight_smile:

i started with flash mx as well … but it’s always good to know some of the flash history :wink:

and yes … i wonder too why they use so much tellTarget in flash 5 being so much easier with the dot sintax :-\

yeah thought so, u can tell its not flash mx there using in the tutorial because of the actions window and where the action options are situated.

*Originally posted by Soulty *
**still using telltarget at the computer arts tutorial for drop down menus?? **
Oups, I didn’t remember that :-\ Well, I guess you’ll have to adapt. Anybody checked the component?