Really nice drop downs

I wanna try to make some drop down like the ones found here.

Can anyone point me to a tut or get me started with a fla. I would rather a tut because I want to learn how to do stuff like this. Any ideas…PLeeeeZ.

okay any tutorial on drop downs in MX?? Anyone??

How much of it do you need to know how to do? Everything from the buttons highlighted on the roll over, or just the drop down menu?

just the drop down menu. I know how to create buttons

Alright bro… I’ll see what I can figure out for you… Cheers…

much appreciation…

Hey 3D. I am very tired right now and I have never made one of these before, so my example is probably less than efficient, and I can’t even really explain well what I did.

Basically though…

I created a button, but I didn’t make it a button symbol, I made it a movie clip symbol.

Inside that movie clip symbol I have 3 layers.

1 is the main button
Another is the mask shape
And the last is the tween of the menu down clip.

The menu down clip is the clip that contains the buttons and background for your drop down.

My last step was to go back to the main timeline and selected the button and applied actions to it.

I know MX can use on handler on movie clips, but I found that using hitTest worked better, so I used this code…

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
	if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {;
		if (this._currentframe == 10) {
	} else if (this._currentframe>=10) {

It checks if the mouse is over it, and if it is, it plays the tween down of the menu down clip to frame 10 (supposing frame 10 is the last frame of your tween down) and then it says if the mouse is not off of it and the frame is >= to 10, then play the tween again so that it plays out.

I attached a sample, hopefully that helps. I am off to bed soon :sleep:

Crap, forgot the attachment…

That’s very sexy, Shane… Mind if I use your coding idea to write a tut? It seems Kirupa is lacking the popular drop down tut… By the way… I have been looking at your site… Love it, and the porfolio… I posted this question someplace else, but I forgot where, and don’t know if you saw it…

What did you use to create those images?

All my code is open source take it and do whatever you want with it :slight_smile:

And yeah, I answered your question in the urgent help thread, but I will answer it again…

I use Photoshop 6 for some of my early ones (as my portfolio is full of images dating from the day I started Photoshop to now) and my newer ones use Photoshop 7.

I don’t have any other design programs other than Flash, which isn’t really design persay.

And thanks :slight_smile:

thank you very mch gentlemen. I will check the .fla when I get to work. I may have some questions. So I hope you dont mind me asking them.

Ask away my friend.

that is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks a bunch L.I.B. Hey do you know anything about smartclips and how to make them. Some dude was telling me I should make that a smart clip. I know nothing of smartclips but I can research when I get home. But I was curious if you go give a primer on them…or anyone else for that matter.

smartclips are Flash 5s version of Components.

You can find tutorial on creating your own components at

But beware, the coding involved in that is a bit advanced in a way. It takes A LOT of OOP (object oriented programming).

I think, I’m not sure though, that smartclips were Flash 5, and Components are a much better upgrade of them in Flash Mx.

Okay cool…I was just wondering…He mentioned it I think I will handle it this way. Once again thanks L.I.B you saved my biscuits.

No problem 3d :slight_smile: I am always glad to help if I am able to.

Best tute I’ve ever found is there:

And someone at Bit-101 componentized a drop down menu:

still using telltarget at the computer arts tutorial for drop down menus?? thought it didnt work for flash mx? or wasent it outdated syntax?

It still works in MX, but tellTarget is like Flash 4/5 syntax.