_root.leftmenu.kurs1.kursbtn.onRelease = function(){
_root.leftmenu.kurs1.valpbtng.onRelease = function(){
I triple checked that the all the instance names are 100% correct, that the frame names are correct and that the script doesnt have any errors. But this script just wont work =/.
THe first button works, the “kursbtn” one. But the other one wont even register(I dont get that hand mouse thingy when i mouseover the MC). I tried putting a new MC and making it into a button in _root.leftmenu.kurs1 but it didnt work either.
I put a button on the _root and it worked fine, so the
row of the code is working properly. Has to be something with the
_root.leftmenu.kurs1.valpbtng.onRelease = function(){
Thanks for you time and sorry if my english is confusing and bad.